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Socorro is about amazing interaction with our favourite giant mantas. No other mantas in the world behave like this. We don't know why but we LOVE IT!! And the mantas clearly love us back. You can also expect interaction with dolphins, 10 kinds of sharks. Water temps are usually in the mid - high 70's.Trip Boards at 08:00 pm on Jan 16,2026 and Disembarks at 08:30 am on Jan 24,2026.Note: This schedule depends on other boats and weather conditions and are all at the captains decisions.
NB! Alle pakker og priser vil bli fakturert med gjeldende valutakurser ved fakturering- Vår prisgaranti gjelder kun i 7 dager etter at reservasjon er foretatt. Vi benytter valutakurser fra DNB.